Vivo Packaging Pty Ltd

Contact person: Emily Fan
Correspondence: English
Operation Level: International

Address: 18/94 Abbott Rd
VIC 3803 Hallam Australia
Phone: +61 3 8795 7742

The change from rigid packaging to innovative and flexible packaging options is a trend that continues to be driven by the ever-increasing consumer demand for convenience and sustainability. Flexible packaging offers unparalleled opportunities to increase brand impact, protect products, enhance shelf-life, and save on freight and storage space costs.

We offer flexible packaging solutions for diverse industries including pet care, food, home and personal care. All of our materials can be supplied to your specifications including special features such as zipper closure, tear notch, valve, perforation, printing and lamination.

Natural organic and healthy products exhibition
03/06/2024 - 04/06/2024
Location ICC SYDNEY - International Convention Centre Sydney