Shimpac Systems

Correspondence: English

Address: (Unit 8A Lower Rd, Trading Est)
HR8 2DJ Ledbury Great Britain
Phone: +44 1531 63 37 71

Regularly using roads in the United Kingdom, innovators and businessmen Peter Rieck and Johnny Jonas realised the need for a lasting solution to the installation and seating of ironwork which if not seated properly collapses and dislodges under load. In 1982 they approached Kent County Council, known for its interest in answers to road and carriageway deterioration that were fast, effective and cost reducing. Working with the co-operation of KCC, SHIMPAC® was developed to the point where it proved its worth and by 1984 was given full approval for use by contractors in Kent.

As a result of Kent County Council’s reputation for successfully introducing new approaches to carriageway construction and maintenance, SHIMPAC® has been successfully introduced throughout the UK.

Historically where final adjustment to carriageway and footpath ironwork is required, contractors and sub contractors have used quarry tiles, brick slips, cut bricks or whatever comes to hand, in conjunction with sand and cement mortar or fast setting mortar. SHIMPAC® planks and collars can provide a final reinstatement first time.

Numerous County Councils, Local Authorities, Water Companies and Civil Engineering / Asphalting contractors now select SHIMPAC® because it solves their ironwork problems.

International traffic engineering, road safety and maintenance exhibition
22/05/2024 - 23/05/2024
Location NEC National Exhibition Centre
Great Britain